Wednesday 18 December 2013

Parfum Continué / Vin

I continued on with the ink-perfume idea, taking further shots of the same technique though this time with improved lighting. The colour red's connotations of blood, love and desire...etc make it perfect for this process.

The unpredictable, organic nature of the ink spreading yields different results every time and means that only a select few may prove to be fitting of the desired purpose, despite taking many. However, the examples that have worked in my opinion have made that worthwhile- the following perfectly resembles the moon shrouded in rolling fog, the moon being another symbol of the mysterious, melancholic and supernatural. The moon is referred to repeatedly within the collection.

Original above, edit below:

The use of drinking glasses for these photos was simply a choice made out of necessity, with something like a fish tank with a flat side and a higher water capacity (unfortunately not available) likely lending itself better for the purpose. However, the idea then came to me of incorporating a glass into the picture, specifically a wine glass this time- Les Fleurs du Mal features a sub-section of five poems about wine. With many of the poems describing decadence and sin, the following image bears the dual interpretations of the sensual visualised fragrance, and also the poisoning of innocence and purity (usually symbolised in white) as the water turns to bloody 'wine'. Note that one of the wine poems is entitled Le Vin de L'assassin (The Murderer's Wine). 

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